Episode 143

Published on:

25th Feb 2025

The Healing Power of Time: Insights from Gray Hair Dave

The central thesis of this discourse revolves around the profound assertion that "time heals all wounds," a concept which I have come to deeply appreciate in both physical and emotional contexts. I recount personal experiences, particularly my recent surgery, and the enduring emotional repercussions following the loss of my nephew. These reflections highlight the universal necessity for maintaining connections with loved ones, particularly in times of hardship. I urge listeners to reach out to those they care for, thereby enriching both their lives and those of others, emphasizing the importance of communication and support in navigating life's tribulations. Ultimately, this episode serves as a poignant reminder of the value of interpersonal relationships and the healing power they wield.


  • The phrase 'time heals all wounds' is applicable to both physical and emotional pain, as I have experienced after my surgery and personal loss.
  • In times of grief, maintaining connections with loved ones becomes crucial, as it can help alleviate emotional suffering.
  • Reaching out to someone you care about can significantly improve both your well-being and theirs, fostering deeper relationships.
  • The unpredictable nature of life events, such as natural disasters, serves as a reminder of the importance of resilience and community support.
  • I am currently focusing on developing my podcast editing business, Gray Hair Productions, to better serve my clients and streamline my offerings.
  • The significance of communication cannot be overstated; reaching out can make a profound difference in someone's life during difficult times.

Links referenced in this episode:

Companies mentioned in this episode:

  • Eleven Labs
  • Thrive
  • Gray Hair Productions
  • Boomer Podcasters
Speaker A:

Welcome to five minutes with gray Hair Dave.

Speaker A:

He has gray hair.

Speaker A:

He has a gray beard.

Speaker A:

He wears glasses like the guy in the artwork.

Speaker A:

Oh, and the guy in the artwork is better looking.

Speaker A:

Now here is gray Hair Dave.

Speaker B:

Thank you for that nice introduction.

Speaker B:

Eleven labs, even though I, I wrote for what they.

Speaker B:

They say that's okay.

Speaker B:

Doesn't matter to me.

Speaker B:

Welcome back, folks.

Speaker B:

Gray haired Dave here plugging right along after surgery with us.

Speaker B:

What I still to this day can't say enough about my doctor.

Speaker B:

She is amazing.

Speaker B:

Hope you never, ever have to have surgery on your foot, but if you do get the right doctor, mine was fantabulous.

Speaker B:

So what's new with you folks?

Speaker B:

What's going on?

Speaker B:

It's amazing how this one phrase applies to so many different things.

Speaker B:

Time heals all wounds.

Speaker B:

Now, I'm going to put that in quotation marks.

Speaker B:

Time heals all wounds.

Speaker B:

Whether that is a actual wound like I have where I've had my foot cut open and things fixed and stitched back up, or it's emotional wounds where the loss of a loved one or which is in my forefront of my world right now.

Speaker B:

I told you that I had lost my nephew and that's still weighing heavy.

Speaker B:

And I talked to my brother, his dad, and you know, still weighs heavy on him, as I'm sure it weighs heavy on his brother because they were very, very close.

Speaker B:

There's divorce, there's loss of a job.

Speaker B:

Time does heal.

Speaker B:

It's amazing how much time it takes on some things.

Speaker B:

I'm going to be healed a whole lot faster with my foot than my brother and nephew.

Speaker B:

The family are going to be emotionally healed with the loss of my nephew as well as the rest of us and those that he touched.

Speaker B:

The amount of people he touched, you don't know until you're gone.

Speaker B:

And that's the sad part.

Speaker B:

And everybody says this, Everybody.

Speaker B:

Oh, we're not going to let that happen anymore.

Speaker B:

We're going to stay in touch with everybody.

Speaker B:

Well, my brothers and I are keeping more in touch and we should.

Speaker B:

And that's a good thing.

Speaker B:

And as long as you remember why you're doing it because you love that person or you care about that person or you're worried about that person, keep doing it.

Speaker B:

If there's somebody out there that you haven't talked to in a while, I want you to go out and talk to them.

Speaker B:

Make the phone call, get in the car and drive.

Speaker B:

Say hi.

Speaker B:

Say hey.

Speaker B:

I want.

Speaker B:

I haven't talked to you in a long time.

Speaker B:

Let's go get a drink.

Speaker B:

Let's go get lunch.

Speaker B:

Let's go get dinner.

Speaker B:

Let's go shoot a round of golf.

Speaker B:

Let's sit on my front porch of your front porch and talk for a while.

Speaker B:

Just say hi.

Speaker B:

I think that you will find that it's better for you, better for them.

Speaker B:

Gonna enrich your life as well as theirs.

Speaker B:

Comes back to that saying I say at the very end of every show, do yourself a favor, folks, go out and say hi to somebody you don't know.

Speaker B:

It'll make their day.

Speaker B:

Same thing applies to the people you do know.

Speaker B:

Call them, talk to them, see them.

Speaker B:

Whatever you got to do or whatever you can do, do it, please.

Speaker B:

It's important.

Speaker B:

It's important for their soul.

Speaker B:

It's important.

Speaker B:

You don't know what's going on in their life.

Speaker B:

They may need to talk to somebody and they don't know it until you show up or until you call.

Speaker B:

It was that way for me when my brother called me a week or so ago just to say, how's your foot?

Speaker B:

He's dealing with this enormous loss in his life, and his thought was, how's my little brother with his surgery in his foot?

Speaker B:

We talked.

Speaker B:

I felt better, and I hope he felt better, too.

Speaker B:

Means so much that that person, my brother, who I love dearly and don't say that enough to.

Speaker B:

Called me to check on me when he was in hurt, he was in pain.

Speaker B:

So keep calling people folks, keep talking to people.

Speaker B:

It's very, very important.

Speaker B:

Very important.

Speaker B:

So let's move on to the next subject.

Speaker B:

I don't know what that's going to be yet.

Speaker B:

Just going to pop into my head.

Speaker B:

Oh, man, it's February here.

Speaker B:

It's almost the end.

Speaker B:

It's the last week of February right now, and the weather is.

Speaker B:

It's a weird year.

Speaker B:

People up north have had more snow in the United States than we've had in a few years down here in the south where I live.

Speaker B:

And you don't get a whole lot further south in the United States because I live in Florida now.

Speaker B:

I live in the middle of Florida.

Speaker B:

But, you know, still, there's not a lot down.

Speaker B:

Not a lot left down there when you look at it on a grander scale.

Speaker B:

We've had a weird winter, too.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I've never been a person who's a big believer in this conspiracy theory called global warming.

Speaker B:

Now, I'm not saying global warming does not exist.

Speaker B:

I think it does.

Speaker B:

I'm just not a conspiracy.

Speaker B:

Conspiracy theorist thinking that, oh, it's.

Speaker B:

It's this big Plan that one or the other sides of the.

Speaker B:

The American political.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

The American political people.

Speaker B:

Let's try that again.

Speaker B:

The American political process is trying to blame one side or the other.

Speaker B:

It's just happening.

Speaker B:

It just is.

Speaker B:

It is what it is.

Speaker B:

We've already had tornadoes and it's not even March, folks.

Speaker B:

It's a little bit of an insane couple of years here and I'm sure it is everywhere for you.

Speaker B:

And if you have been in or around any of those devastated areas, my heart goes out to you as well as all those folks in the Carolinas who are still suffering after the hurricane last year.

Speaker B:

My God.

Speaker B:

You know, and those folks, folks.

Speaker B:

And those folks in LA with the fires.

Speaker B:

Here's you talk about ridiculousness.

Speaker B:

They have a fire that starts and it devastates towns.

Speaker B:

Complete areas of.

Speaker B:

Of the LA are gone, right?

Speaker B:

Burned to the ground.

Speaker B:

Couple weeks later.

Speaker B:

Now they've got mudslides.

Speaker B:

It's like, am I God?

Speaker B:

Must not like California.

Speaker B:

Just saying, at least that area.

Speaker B:

My, my gosh.

Speaker B:

I mean, from one thing from heaven to hell on a matter of minutes.

Speaker B:

It's crazy.

Speaker B:

And people stay there and people love it there and.

Speaker B:

And God love them.

Speaker B:

I hope they stay safe.

Speaker B:

But wow.

Speaker B:

I mean, it's just nuts.

Speaker B:

So tell me there's no global war in me and I'll have to just disagree.

Speaker B:

I'm not going to go nuts on you.

Speaker B:

I'm not going to tell you my theories on life or any of that kind of stuff when it comes to global warming.

Speaker B:

But I see what I see and so do you.

Speaker B:

Okay, so that's enough about global warming.

Speaker B:

What else is going on?

Speaker B:

I have not.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

As of this point, I.

Speaker B:

Wow, where was I going with that?

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker B:

I have not done anything more with Boomer podcasters and that's bothering me.

Speaker B:

I have been focusing a little bit more on my Gray Hair productions, which.

Speaker B:

Which is where everything is going to fall into.

Speaker B:

There's a plan here in my mind of bringing everything in.

Speaker B:

The podcasting part, which is what I'm doing now, the podcast editing portion, which is what I really want to do in the business I'm starting podcast editing, which is Gray Hair Productions, Main Gray Productions, main businesses is podcast audio and video editing.

Speaker B:

I enjoy all that.

Speaker B:

That's weird, huh?

Speaker B:

So Boomer Podcasters has kind of been put on the back burner for now.

Speaker B:

If you're listening to Boomer Podcasters, I apologize.

Speaker B:

I'll get you one out.

Speaker B:

It just won't be one where it comes into me showing you what to do also I I have been working on the website for Gray Hair Productions.

Speaker B:

I'm changing from where I was as a host, the host was at to another one.

Speaker B:

And this is something that I've been using and I want.

Speaker B:

Part of the reason I've switched was because I wanted to have AI in it.

Speaker B:

I wanted AI involved.

Speaker B:

AI is going to help me build the website instead of me fumbling around and making the absolute ugliest website I ever seen, which is what I used to have because I didn't know what I was doing and I did it wrong to this new one which is that I the transfer over takes a couple of days to get all the codes and everything else.

Speaker B:

But the website should be up in a couple of days called gray hair productions.com to where I'm going to show my services.

Speaker B:

I'll show some work that I've done with, with the podcasting, with video editing, all these types of things.

Speaker B:

Plus if you want my services, you'll be able to schedule a meeting with me.

Speaker B:

You'll be able to buy online my services and schedule it with me and all these kinds of fun things and we can keep things on track and all in one place.

Speaker B:

I'm using a company called Thrive to help me organize all this and get myself in order so I don't lose track of anybody or anything.

Speaker B:

It's kind of like a customer relation management system plus banking plus scheduling plus plus plus plus plus Now I will probably be an affiliate for them soon, but I'm going to talk about them thrivethryv.com and it is a very robust program and it's going to help me get where I need to be.

Speaker B:

So if you're in the mood for or in the need for a CRM in your business or if you know somebody, let them know about that.

Speaker B:

Tell them Dave sent you.

Speaker B:

I don't have a an affiliate code yet and I'm not worried about that yet, but I want to get there and I'll insert it in an ad later.

Speaker B:

So on behalf of Gray Hair Dave, that's all I've got today.

Speaker B:

A couple things.

Speaker B:

First of all, don't forget, tell your friends about five Minutes of Gray Hair Dave.

Speaker B:

If you got questions or concerns or comments, please leave me a message on five minutes with gray hair Dave calm.

Speaker B:

That's the number.

Speaker B:

Five minutes with gray haired Dave.com go down to that right hand corner on the bottom and there's a little microphone.

Speaker B:

You click on that, put in your email address and then leave me a message.

Speaker B:

Don't forget I don't sell email addresses.

Speaker B:

I keep them because I am selfish and greedy.

Speaker B:

You can also go to the comment section folks.

Speaker B:

You can also go to boomer podcasters.com and leave me a message there either way.

Speaker B:

And you'll also be able to leave me a message soon on gray hair productions.com Ever wonder why I call it Gray Hair Productions?

Speaker B:

You see all this gray hair?

Speaker B:

I don't know if you can see it because I'm not recording this one yet on video.

Speaker B:

You know, I got a lot of gray hair and that's I've earned it all.

Speaker B:

So do me a favor.

Speaker B:

Also, if you know somebody who doesn't know what a podcast is, doesn't know where to find one, doesn't know what genres they have, doesn't know anything about them, do me a favor.

Speaker B:

Show me.

Speaker B:

Show them how to follow.

Speaker B:

Show them how to find me.

Speaker B:

Use me as your example.

Speaker B:

Here we go.

Speaker B:

Here you go.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Click that button called follow.

Speaker B:

Every time Gray Hair Day posts something, you'll know.

Speaker B:

Also, folks, again, I'm going to say it one more time, just like I do every other time.

Speaker B:

Don't forget, smile at somebody you don't know.

Speaker B:

You'll make their day and they will make yours.

Speaker B:

So on behalf of Gray Hair Dave here at Gray Hair Productions, you all have a great day and I will talk to you soon.

Speaker B:


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Show artwork for 5 Minutes With Grey Hair Dave

About the Podcast

5 Minutes With Grey Hair Dave
Wisdom, wit and Sarcasm from a Boomer
Well, it's me just being me.
Welcome to 5 Minutes with Gray Hair Dave!
Hello, everyone! I'm Gray Hair Dave, and I'm thrilled to introduce my new podcast, which will run for about 5 to 10 minutes each episode. I plan to share these episodes daily, despite my full-time job, so expect some flexibility in release times.
In this podcast, I'll be sharing my life experiences, having worked in various industries from paper mills to airlines, and even running a dance studio. I've also had my fair share of personal challenges, including two marriages that didn't work out, but that's life, and I'm here to share the wisdom I've gained.
I'm also excited to talk about my new venture, Boomer Podcasting, where I aim to teach fellow baby boomers and anyone interested in podcasting how to share their stories and leave a legacy.
This podcast isn't just for baby boomers, though. I welcome listeners of all generations to join in as I discuss life lessons, my new business, and a range of topics from family and friendships to music, TV shows, cars, technology, books, historical events, and even encounters with famous individuals.
I promise to keep the content upbeat and child-friendly, with no cursing or ranting. I've got a lot planned for the first 30 days and am open to more ideas. So, stay tuned for engaging stories, reflections on past decades, and discussions on holiday traditions.
Remember, this podcast is for everyone, and I want to show that anyone can podcast, even with just a phone. I'm looking forward to sharing more and hope you'll join me on this journey. Keep an eye out for my website, which will be up soon, and feel free to reach out with suggestions or just to say hi.
Thanks for listening, and I can't wait to connect with you all through my podcast, 5 Minutes with Gray Hair Dave. Spread the word, and let's enjoy this adventure together!
Gray Hair Dave
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About your host

Profile picture for Dave Carter

Dave Carter

I am a podcaster talking to Baby Boomers about podcasting and why they should get into the Indie Podcast sector. I have a course they can buy within membership also. Just so everyone knows, it is not mandatory but helpful. I hope you enjoy the show.