Episode 97

Published on:

28th May 2024

The Creative Journey: From Stage Manager to Podcaster

In this episode of 5 Minutes with Gray Hair Dave, Dave shares that he is taking a day off from work to connect with his listeners. He offers listeners the opportunity to receive a free t-shirt or keychain by contacting him through his website. Dave reflects on the comfort of the t-shirts he offers and hints at uncertainty about the content of future episodes as the show nears its 100th episode.



[00:08:25] Robin Williams' versatile talents.


Gray Hair Dave is generously offering free t-shirts and keychains to his listeners who express interest through his website. In a recent podcast episode, Gray Hair Dave proudly mentions wearing a t-shirt with the logo "5 Minutes with Gray Hair Dave" and encourages listeners to reach out to him via email or voicemail on his website if they are interested in receiving a free t-shirt and keychain. He emphasizes that he will cover the cost of the t-shirt and shipping, showing his deep appreciation for his audience.

Expressing his enthusiasm for the merchandise, Gray Hair Dave describes the t-shirts as the most comfortable he has ever owned. He also highlights the quality of the t-shirts and his fondness for the keychains, expressing his desire to share these items with his listeners as a token of gratitude for their unwavering support.

Listeners are encouraged to provide their name, size (male or female), and express their interest in either a t-shirt, keychain, or both. Gray Hair Dave's offer of free merchandise adds a personal touch to his podcast and demonstrates his commitment to engaging with his audience in a meaningful way.

Reflecting on his past experiences, Gray Hair Dave shares a diverse range of activities and transitions in his life. One significant aspect he reminisces about is his involvement in helping his friend with dance recitals. He recalls being actively engaged in the dance studio owned by his friend, serving as a stage manager, host, and showrunner during the recitals. This involvement showcases his creative side and his ability to adapt to different roles within the performing arts realm.

Moreover, Gray Hair Dave delves into a major life transition when he moved from Michigan to Kansas City. Describing this move as a significant change in his life, he emphasizes the impact it had on him. The decision to leave Michigan and start a new chapter in Kansas City was a pivotal moment for him and his first wife, leading to new opportunities and experiences.

By reflecting on these past experiences, Gray Hair Dave demonstrates his adaptability, creativity, and willingness to embrace change. These reflections provide insight into his personal growth and the various roles he has taken on throughout his life, from assisting with dance recitals to making significant life-changing moves.

into the popular TV shows of:

Furthermore, Dave discusses the groundbreaking primetime soap opera "Dallas," noting its significance in shaping the genre and paving the way for future shows like "Dynasty" and "Beverly Hills 90210." The mention of "Dallas" evokes nostalgia for a time when television dramas captivated audiences with their intricate storylines and compelling characters.

exploring these TV shows from:

00:02:44 - "Is it the work that I've done? What is it? The shows I like? The music I like? Or is it just the fact that you like to sit back and listen to"


00:08:25 - "He was a great comedian, but I also thought he was a fantastic dramatic actor."


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About the Podcast

5 Minutes With Grey Hair Dave
Wisdom, wit and Sarcasm from a Boomer
Well, it's me just being me.
Welcome to 5 Minutes with Gray Hair Dave!
Hello, everyone! I'm Gray Hair Dave, and I'm thrilled to introduce my new podcast, which will run for about 5 to 10 minutes each episode. I plan to share these episodes daily, despite my full-time job, so expect some flexibility in release times.
In this podcast, I'll be sharing my life experiences, having worked in various industries from paper mills to airlines, and even running a dance studio. I've also had my fair share of personal challenges, including two marriages that didn't work out, but that's life, and I'm here to share the wisdom I've gained.
I'm also excited to talk about my new venture, Boomer Podcasting, where I aim to teach fellow baby boomers and anyone interested in podcasting how to share their stories and leave a legacy.
This podcast isn't just for baby boomers, though. I welcome listeners of all generations to join in as I discuss life lessons, my new business, and a range of topics from family and friendships to music, TV shows, cars, technology, books, historical events, and even encounters with famous individuals.
I promise to keep the content upbeat and child-friendly, with no cursing or ranting. I've got a lot planned for the first 30 days and am open to more ideas. So, stay tuned for engaging stories, reflections on past decades, and discussions on holiday traditions.
Remember, this podcast is for everyone, and I want to show that anyone can podcast, even with just a phone. I'm looking forward to sharing more and hope you'll join me on this journey. Keep an eye out for my website, which will be up soon, and feel free to reach out with suggestions or just to say hi.
Thanks for listening, and I can't wait to connect with you all through my podcast, 5 Minutes with Gray Hair Dave. Spread the word, and let's enjoy this adventure together!
Gray Hair Dave
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About your host

Profile picture for Dave Carter

Dave Carter

I am a podcaster talking to Baby Boomers about podcasting and why they should get into the Indie Podcast sector. I have a course they can buy within membership also. Just so everyone knows, it is not mandatory but helpful. I hope you enjoy the show.